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How to Sleep With Eyelash Extensions- Some Tips from the Professionals!

Eyebrow Extensions

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at December 31st, 2021

It's exciting to get eyelash extensions; who doesn't love getting some fabulous new lashes!? However, it’s important to ensure they don’t fall out too fast or get worn down before their life expectancy. They may not be permanent, but extensions can last weeks if they’re well maintained. Simple mistakes can make them fall out faster than usual, and sleep can be one of the main reasons new eyelash extensions fall out prematurely. It’s important to prepare for a good night’s sleep and take some steps to help your lashes not endure hard times overnight! Here are some tips to help you learn how to sleep with eyelash extensions.

Sleep On Your Back Or Side

Avoid sleeping on your stomach as much as you can. Unfortunately, sleeping on one’s back or side can be uncomfortable for some people used to sleeping on their stomachs. Many people toss and turn without knowing it, making it harder to prevent your lashes from falling out. But, it's worth training your body to sleep on its back or side for health reasons beyond keeping eyelash extensions in good shape.

Prevent Tossing and Turning

If you already know that you're a restless sleeper, you can work to prevent yourself from turning over on your stomach before going to bed. Try setting up your pillows around your body or boxing yourself in with blankets—place pillows in specific areas to keep your body from laying on your stomach. For example, placing two pillows under your shoulders will keep your body stabilized during the night.

Use a Silk Pillowcase

Silk is a great choice for people who are restless during the night. Its soft material won’t tangle or twist your lashes against the fabric. Silk decreases friction compared to cotton pillows, keeping your lashes safe from potential twists and turns during the night. Not only that, but silk pillowcases can help to keep your skin healthy!

Stretch Before Bed

Movement makes your body tired, encouraging a restful night’s sleep. You don’t necessarily have to complete a workout, but a basic stretch may help prevent tossing, turning, and restlessness in bed. Try practicing relaxation techniques, stretches, or yoga movements before bed; this signals your body to unwind and prepare itself for sleep.

Use an Eye Mask

There are eye masks that are designed to protect extensions. With that said, it’s important to get the right kind. An improper eye mask may cause more harm than good, making your lashes prematurely fall out. To prevent this from happening, make sure to order an eye mask with a designated socket area that is beveled out and designed for eyelash extensions. To learn more tips and tricks on keeping eyelash extensions, please reach out to us, or click the link to book your appointment!


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