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How to Prepare for Summer Skin Care

Skin Care

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at June 2nd, 2020

We aren’t sure how it got from March to June so quickly, but here we are with summer just a few weeks away! And as you Houstonians know, summer here in Texas gets hot, humid, and sticky pretty quickly.  Average temperatures hovering in the high-80s to mid-90s throughout the summer months. That combined with a lot of direct sunlight has direct consequences to your skin. We want to make sure that you and your skin are prepared for the upcoming months. In this post, we’re going over some simple summer skin tips that can help keep your skin safe and healthy (and sun-kissed, too!).

Sunscreen and Sun Protection

We recommend wearing something with SPF in it every single day, even on cloudy days. The best sun protection is going to come from sunscreen, but there are many moisturizers, foundations, and other types of makeup that do contain SPF for a bit of protection.  If possible, try to find a non-comedogenic and eco-friendly sunscreen to prevent your skin from absorbing harsh chemicals and leading to potential breakouts.  Just because you put on sunscreen doesn’t mean that you can spend every second in the sunny Houston climate! The warm sunshine is great, but don’t overdo it as this can lead to a number of skin issues like cancer, dryness, burns, dehydration, and more. Skin cancer is the most popular form of cancer. Even just a single sunburn can greatly increase your risk of developing cancer later on, not to mention sun damage, wrinkles, discoloration, hyperpigmentation… you get the idea. Try to limit your time in direct sunlight and stay in the shade when you can. Use your clothing to cover up vulnerable areas like the top of your head, your feet, chest, etc.

Continue to Cleanse & Moisturize (Yes, Moisturize!)

One of our spring skincare tips was to switch from heavier cleansers, creams, and moisturizers to lighter options. You might think that now that you’re in even hotter months that your summer skin routine might not need these things at all. However, that’s far from true! Not even a semi-constant layer of sweat is good enough to keep your skin cleansed and moisturized. In fact, many people find that their skin gets oilier in the summer, leading to more breakouts. Using a light cleanser can help reduce the sweat, dirt, and oil that accumulates on your skin throughout the day. We highly recommend continuing to moisturize your skin with a light moisturizer in order to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Continuing to moisturize, even if your face feels oily, helps to give your skin protection from irritants and helps to seal in the moisture you have left (after you probably sweated a lot of it out from that walk from your car to your house).

Struggle with breakouts during the summer? Feeling oily and greasy?

Our acne facial can help you and your skin feel refreshed and healthy. Check out our facial services here.

Hydration Is Key

Hydrating yourself is essential all year round! However, it’s especially important during the summertime to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. The hot weather and near-constant sun exposure leads to you losing a lot of water and hydration throughout the day because of sweating. As such, your water intake should increase during the summer. Normally, doctors recommend 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water per day, which is just about 2 liters. However, during the summer, many feel that you should be drinking between 2 and 4 liters per day depending on your activity levels. If you’re getting sick of plain old water, try adding fruit or flavor drops to make it a bit more interesting. Eating water-rich foods like fruit, lettuce, and greens also give you hydration with water plus the bonus of electrolytes and key vitamins & minerals. Sparkling water is another great option to help you get those 2-4 liters of water each day!

Need Some More Summer Skin Tips?

If you’re looking for some more skincare tips, we have plenty of skin guides and information on our blog.  You can also contact us anytime to ask questions, set up a consultation, or book yourself an appointment with one of our skincare professionals for a facial, microdermabrasion, and more!


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