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5 Tips for At-Home Eyelash Extension Maintenance

Eyelash Extensions

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at April 23rd, 2020

So, you’ve gone for the beautiful and luscious look of eyelash extensions! While eyelash extensions can last for weeks, we usually recommend that people come in for a re-lash appointment every 2-4 weeks to keep things looking full and fresh. But, what if you can’t get in for an appointment for a little while, or maybe not even for weeks or months? The good news is that there are some easy tips you can follow to help with eyelash extension maintenance during this time when you can’t come in for an appointment. Let’s look at 5 of our top tips for at-home eyelash extension maintenance to get you through until we’re open and ready for a re-lash.

1. Keep Them Clean!

Keeping your eyelash extensions clean should be your number one priority for eyelash extension maintenance. If you’re still wearing makeup, you should definitely make sure to remove that makeup. If you don’t, the makeup and oils around the eye can build up and lead to lash loss. Check out our video below detailing the step-by-step instructions we recommend for cleaning your extensions: As we state in the video, we send our clients home with the supplies they’ll need to properly clean their extensions without damaging them or loosening them. The key is to use gentle and oil-free cleansers that won’t disrupt the attachment of the extensions as well as avoiding any loose clothes or cotton fibers getting stuck in the lashes during the cleaning process. 

2. Reduce Mascara Use

Mascara fiends, listen up. Eyelash extensions make your lashes look full and voluminous without the need for mascara!  In fact, mascara (especially waterproof mascara) can damage your extensions and result in faster lash loss overall. The combination of the compounds in the mascara with the pulling & tugging from the mascara wand can be detrimental to the lifespan of your extensions. We recommend avoiding mascara use altogether, as you likely don’t need it with your beautiful extensions!  If you really feel the urge to use mascara and other eye makeup products, be sure to use a water-based mascara and to remove it with safe cleansers or makeup removers at the end of the day. 

Further your eyelash extension education by checking out our FAQ page!

3. Avoid Excess Oils

Speaking of cleansers and makeup removers, you should avoid using any makeup products, cleansers, or washes that contain high amounts of oils. You should try to use oil-free and very mild cleansers and washes to avoid causing damage to your extensions that could lead to premature loss.  In fact, the best way to keep up with eyelash extension maintenance is to avoid touching your eyes or doing anything to your eyes (including makeup and washing!) as much as possible.

4. Try Sleeping on Your Back

Only about 8 percent of people sleep on their backs regularly. However, there are immense benefits that you can get from becoming a back sleeper! Not only does sleeping on your back put your spine, neck, and head in a neutral position, it also protects your eyelash extensions! How? Sleeping on your side or stomach can crush or damage your lashes and lead to them falling out more quickly than you’d like. Sleeping on your back keeps your lashes safe while you sleep and can help them stay on longer.

5. Take Care of Your Natural Lashes

When you get eyelash extensions, your natural lashes are the foundation for the extension application. The more lashes you have, the more extensions you can have applied. Keeping your natural lashes healthy and fresh can help keep your extensions looking fuller for longer.  This will also help when the extensions inevitably fall out and leave you with your natural ones only. This is especially true when you aren’t able to get in for a re-lash appointment for a while. Improper treatment of your eyelash extensions can damage your natural lashes. Our artists take care to meticulously place extensions on perfectly to not damage them, therefore it's important to follow eyelash extension maintenance properly for proper lash health.  You should also avoid excess mascara (this can tug on your natural lashes and lead to loss) and make sure to take your makeup off… always! You can also boost your lash health by eating a diet loaded with vitamins and drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your hair (and lashes) moisturized.

Book an Appointment As Soon As You Can!

Hopefully these at-home eyelash extension maintenance tips will help you during this time when you can come in for your normal touch-up appointments. You should also follow these tips between relash appointments as well to keep your lashes looking and feeling great. We plan to re-open May 1st, so there’s only a little more time to wait! Visit our appointment page to set up an appointment for when we reopen or you can contact us with questions.


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