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Eyelash Implants vs Extensions - What's The Difference?

Eyelash Extensions

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at December 22nd, 2023

So, you’ve heard about lash implants but aren’t exactly sure what they are; well, in this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of eyelash implants, exploring the procedure, recovery, potential side effects, and how it differs significantly from the non-invasive beauty treatment of lash extensions.

What Are Eyelash Implants?

Eyelash implants, also known as eyelash transplants, offer a permanent fix for sparse eyelashes along the upper lash line. This procedure involves hair transplant methods like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Donor hair follicles, harvested from the scalp or legs, are reimplanted along the upper eyelid lash line. Eyelash implants are primarily for individuals with extremely sparse eyelashes. Unlike temporary solutions such as eyelash extensions, eyelash implants cannot be removed safely without surgery. 

Who Is The Ideal Candidate for Eyelash Implant Procedure?

The ideal candidate for an eyelash implant is someone seeking a permanent solution for sparse eyelashes. However, it's crucial to note that individuals with poor donor sites or experiencing hair loss due to medication, medical treatments, or stress are not recommended candidates for this procedure.

The Procedure: A Quick Overview

After undergoing an eyelash implant procedure, the average recovery period is approximately three to five days. Patients may experience eye crusting, redness, and swelling around the upper eyelids and lash line during this time. Most patients can resume normal activities within a week, being cautious not to manipulate the transplanted areas excessively. While eyelash implants offer a permanent solution, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects, including bleeding, infection, itching, scarring, swelling, and telogen effluvium (shedding or thinning of the hair).

Results of Eyelash Implant Procedure

The results of an eyelash implant are not immediately apparent post-procedure. Transplanted hairs will shed after three months, allowing new hair growth. Most new hair growth occurs between five and twelve months, continually improving over twelve to eighteen months. Regular trimming and maintenance are necessary to achieve a natural and refreshed look.

Eyelash Implants vs. Eyelash Extensions: A Significant Difference

While eyelash implants involve a medical procedure, essentially a small-scale hair transplant, eyelash extensions are a non-invasive beauty treatment.
  • Eyelash Implants: A permanent solution achieved through hair transplants, addressing sparse eyelashes with donor hair follicles.
  • Eyelash Extensions: A non-invasive beauty treatment involving the application of synthetic  lashes to existing natural lashes, providing fuller lashes for 6-8 weeks before a new application is needed
Lash implants offer a permanent solution for individuals suffering from extremely sparse eyelashes, but the procedure is not recommended for everyone. Understanding the procedure, recovery, and potential side effects is crucial for those considering this innovative option.  We do not provide eyelash implants for clients at our Chic Lash Boutique locations, but we can suggest non-surgical lash treatments to get your lashes looking their best! Book your appointment today!   


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