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Will Microblading Stop Hair Growth?


Posted by Jennifer Ngo at September 9th, 2023

Will Microblading Stop Hair Growth?

The simple answer is no. Microblading, as a technique, doesn't directly affect hair growth because it doesn't target the hair follicles beneath the skin. Microblading focuses on enhancing the appearance of your eyebrows, creating fine, hair-like strokes that mimic the look of real eyebrow hair. The myth suggesting that microblading hinders brow hair growth likely stems from confusion about the procedure's location and the tools used. Microblading is performed on the eyebrows, using a specialized tool to deposit pigment into the upper layers of the skin. This process doesn't interact with or disrupt the hair follicles responsible for eyebrow growth, situated deeper in the skin. So, you can rest assured that getting your eyebrows microbladed won't negatively impact the growth of your natural eyelashes. 

Will Microblading Stop Hair Growth? | Beware of Unlicensed, Inexperienced Salons

While microblading, in and of itself, won't hinder eyebrow hair growth, it's essential to choose a reputable and experienced microblading salon to avoid potential risks and complications. In the bustling scene of Houston, it's crucial to be discerning when selecting a salon for your beauty needs.
  • Sanity in safety: Always ensure the microblading salon you choose is licensed and employs certified technicians. Safety and hygiene should be non-negotiable.
  • Consultations: Schedule a consultation to discuss your expectations and any concerns. Experienced technicians will guide you through the process and provide a realistic understanding of the results.
  • Reference-level beauty products: Reputable microblading salons use high-quality pigments and tools to ensure long-lasting and natural-looking results that won’t cause unnecessary irritation.
  • Reviews and Referrals: Don't hesitate to ask for reviews or referrals from previous clients. Word of mouth can be a reliable way to find the right microblading salon that’s true to its promise/word.
  • Aftercare Guidance: A professional microblading salon will also provide post-treatment aftercare instructions to ensure the best possible results and a smooth healing process.

Let's Get The Facts Straight

The myth that microblading hinders natural eyebrow hair growth is a misunderstanding. Your eyebrows and eyelashes can both look fabulous without one affecting the other. Just be sure to choose a reputable, licensed microblading salon. Remember, beauty is about enhancing your unique features and feeling confident in your own skin. So, if you're looking for microblading in Houston or any other beauty treatments, always choose a salon that values your safety and well-being.   Book your appointment now!  


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