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Can You Do a Lash Lift and Tint on Yourself? Insight From the Pros

Lash Lifting

Posted by Jennifer Ngo at December 30th, 2022

If you've ever been to a lash salon and gotten a lash lift and tint, you probably know just how life-changing these treatments can be. You likely walked out of the salon happy with the look, length, and color of your new fabulous lashes! When your next lash tint appointment rolls around, you might think, "Can you do a lash lift and tint on yourself?" Let's consider whether doing your lash lift and tint at home is a smart idea. 

Can I Do My Own?

While trying to do your own lash tint or lash lift at home might be tempting to save money, this isn't a good idea. Lash tints and lash lifts are safe when done by a professional, but they can cause lasting damage to your lashes when done at home by in-experienced non-professionals.  Lash tint and lash lifts require different solutions and chemicals, which you'll need experience handling safely. Furthermore, you can easily leave the solutions on for too long at home, which can cause damage to your lashes. 

What About Lash Lift And Tint Kits? 

You can purchase lash lift and tint kits online, but this doesn't mean it's a good idea to try using them yourself at home. Most lash lift and tint kits are labeled "professional-only," meaning you should be a professional lash artist if you purchase one. However, some companies market these kits for at-home use because they can generate more sales if novices buy them, which is a slippery slope.  It's also a lot more comfortable and practical to get your lashes tinted or lifted by a professional since you'll need to close your eyes throughout the process. As any human would, you might find it impossible to apply the chemicals safely, read instructions, and keep your eyes closed simultaneously! In other words, avoid taking the DIY route when in doubt and instead call an experienced/licensed lash artist. 

Lash Lifts and Tint at Chic Lash Boutique

You want your lashes to look gorgeous after a lash tinting session, so don't try to do it yourself; instead, let a professional lash artist do the work for you.  At Chic Lash Boutique, our team of experienced eyelash artists is here to help you achieve the look you've always wanted!  Book an eyelash lift or tint appointment today!


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