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Why No Alcohol Before Microblading Treatments?


Posted by Jennifer Ngo at March 4th, 2022

If you’ve ever heard about the “no-alcohol rule” before microblading treatments, you might be wondering why it’s an issue or concern at all? It’s understandable to feel confused or frustrated about it, but there’s significant reasoning as to why you shouldn’t drink alcohol at least 24 hours before your procedure. If you’ve been looking for microblading in Houston, Chic Lash Boutique is ready to educate you and provide treatments that leave spectacular results! This blog will address why you shouldn’t drink alcohol before microblading treatments.

The Procedure

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that’s not too dissimilar to the concept of tattooing. However, instead of a permanent tattoo, microblading styles your eyebrows semi-permanently. Brow artists perform the treatment with different tools and less pigment than tattooing would require, including a hand-held microblade tool with microneedles that slightly breaks the surface layer of skin to deposit small amounts of ink.

A Natural-Looking Solution

The point of microblading is to create natural-looking, striking eyebrows. It’s a skilled treatment that requires a lot of experience and attention to detail. Brow artists control the microblading needle to create clear, realistic strokes. Microblading is a natural-looking solution for people with uneven, patchy eyebrows; the treatment will touch up your eyebrows and provide seamless, gorgeous results!

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Avoid Alcohol for 24 Hours

Why do you need to avoid alcohol before a microblading procedure? Simply put, it’s the same reason why you shouldn’t ingest caffeine before your procedure; both substances (caffeine & alcohol) can thin your blood, resulting in increased bleeding during your microblading procedure. Increased bleeding due to thinner blood viscosity can result in unsatisfactory results, particularly since the pigment may not properly penetrate the skin. It can also result in unintentional microblading scarring if your eyebrows don’t respond well and struggle to heal properly after the treatment.

The Importance of Aftercare

To avoid any risk of post-treatment complications, we cannot stress enough how important microblading aftercare is. One component of the aftercare strategy is not to ingest alcohol in excessive amounts. Of course, you can have some wine and cheese with family and friends, but alcohol should still be ingested with caution for at least 14 days after the procedure, as it can inhibit the healing process. You should also avoid activities that cause increased sweating, swelling, lots of sun exposure, or touch the areas around your eyebrows. If you’d like to learn more about microblading, click the link to view our microblading service page. If you’d like to book a microblading appointment, click the link below Book appointment!


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